DX KOREA 2024 Online Directory


Company Description

Tritium Service Company, AGENCORE is solely authorized to handle Tritium and hold the automated manufacturing technology of applications. From sales of Tritium, we provide all the services like manufacturing GTLS for firearms systems, recovery and recycling of Tritium. Through the localization project of weapons system parts with KRIT, we devote our efforts to localizing GTLS for firearms systems which depends entirely on imports, enhances the interoperability of system for Korean military and affords stable military procurement. AGENCORE will not only have shared growth with developing the defense technology and innovating the defense industry but will strive to enhance Korean national status as a global Tritium company by inroad into the global weapons market.

Exhibit (Product) Description

Gaseous Tritium Light Source, GTLS is the product of fire arm weapon system and used as light sources for sighting such as the luminous front sight of fire arms, mortars and self-propelled guns.
GTLS is an illuminant which emits light without external power supply for more than 10 years by using Beta energy from Tritium, in particular, GTLS helps fulfillment of the operation without heat release and battery replacement in any extreme condition.
With GTLS applied products of AGENCORE, we can stably supply localized GTLS which relied entirely on imports and expect increasing demand in the fields of night signs and lightings of various weapons systems.

Exhibited Product Image