DX KOREA 2024 Online Directory

Hyundai Rotem Company

Company Description

Hyundai Rotem Company representing Korea's ground weapon systems has contributed to timely deployment of the latest ground weapon systems over the past 40 years. Our success has earned us confidence and trust of our customers and plays an integral part in protecting the safety and peace of the people. Furthermore, we have solidified our position as a leader in future weapon systems equipped with cutting-edge core technologies through our own R&D capabilities and production systems for ground weapon systems and optimization and improvement capability.

Exhibit (Product) Description

With technical expertise and experience acquired by supplying main battle tank and combat armored vechicle to Korean army, we are now putting our effort for future defense technology.
We have been extremly dedicated to improve and develop optimized solutions for future battlefield enviornment effected by 4th industial revolution. Our core technologies, such as AI, autonomous driving, and unmanned technology, have been co-developed with Hyundai Motor Group to provide proven quality of solutions. Based on our cutting-edge technology, we have successfully developed multi-purpose unmanned vehicle. Hyundai Rotem is ready to secure and support you by our up-to-date weapons for your needs.

Exhibited Product Image