DX KOREA 2024 Online Directory

Hyungjae Partner co., ltd

  • Country

    Korea, South

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    73, Okgye2gongdan-ro, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea Hyungjae Partner

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Company Description

Hyungjae Partner Co., Ltd. manufactures and supplies electric vehicles based on domestic manufacturing , design , A/S, and utilization of domestic parts, while securing a variety of electric vehicle lines and entering a wide market. Hyungjae Partner developed separate boarding spaces similar to automission type of regular automobile vehicles in driving and operation , and it has been recognized for its excellent technology in terms of safety and durability vehicle like disc brakes, cast knuckles , and independent suspension devices, with using ball joints or bushing to enhance vehicle body durability.

Exhibit (Product) Description

the electric vehicle dashboard was manufactured by injection molding after manufacturing CNF , extracted from rice husks and arrowroot fibers, composite polypropylene pellets . In addition , the front cover , grill, bumper , skirt, and loop parts were made into parts through a fiber-reinforced composite (FRP ) manufacturing process after manufacturing the CNF prepreg.
n particular, FRP parts boast an equivalent level of weight reduction compared to conventional vacuum -formed plastic parts commonly used in ultra-small electric vehicles. It was confirmed that the strength is 1.8 times stronger than that of existing plastic parts , so the reinforcement effect is excellent.

Exhibited Product Image